I think the day we heard the sad news of the death of her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II will be remembered in a similar way to when the world heard the news of President Kennedy’s assassination i.e. we will always remember where we were and what we were doing at the moment we heard the news. In my case I was driving to play table tennis with my Thursday evening group when the radio programme was interrupted and the news announced.
Earlier in the day I had been catching up with a rather large ironing pile whilst watching parliament live to see how the new PM was going to help us pay our energy bills this winter (our suppliers estimates were frightening). When parliament is interrupted, you know the situation is serious, and after hearing that all the family were heading up to Scotland, the outcome seemed inevitable. Judith and I offer our condolences to the Royal Family and salute the new King.
During my life I have seen the Queen many times but never met or talked to her. However, I have met and spoken to the man I was named after, namely the late Duke of Edinburgh; he will forever be my hero.
It is a cliché, but life does indeed “go on”; we pay our respects and continue with our lives. For Judith and I that means resuming our efforts to get our heads around the ins and outs of social media whilst preparing a marketing plan for the launch of our book (probably late October/early November).
On Tuesday we had to dig out all our old photo albums because Judith’s youngest was after ‘early’ photographs of himself to use at his upcoming birthday bash. We used this as an excuse to also pick out any photographs of us that we thought we could use in the marketing plan: there were many.
Wednesday morning is U3A tennis morning and returning home we had a telephone meeting with our (publishers) project manager, Stacy. A few issues with the cover were clarified and after a pub lunch with our tennis colleagues, it was off to the library to carry out our homework (to choose gloss or matte, basically). The visit proved very beneficial as we received an invite to attend their next ‘authors evening’ in November – the book should be out by then.
We have continued working with the photographs to prepare a series of ‘posts,’ including ‘reels,’ leading up to the launch. Ahh, ‘reels!’ Many hours have been spent watching tutorials on YouTube and practising how to create them. We believe in aiming high, therefore we will not be happy until one has ‘gone viral’. In the meantime, we will settle for the odd ‘like’.
As I am typing this (Tuesday), a notification has just popped up from the publisher, so excuse me for a minute whilst I check it out as Stacy had warned us that out manuscript was due back from editing on the 13th (today)…………..
I’m back, and yes it was Stacy sending us the manuscript back for a final check by us; we have to go through it line by line to approve/disapprove any suggested changes, so it may take a while. It’s a good job we have nothing booked for the rest of the month!
I will let you know how we are getting on next week. Alternatively, follow us on Instagram @judithleaphilipelliott.